Sonic unleashed ps2 wii vs ps3 xbox 360
Sonic unleashed ps2 wii vs ps3 xbox 360

But they'd turn around and praise the Wii/PS2 version for "lack of 3D hubs, hence no fetch quests." But if you played the wii/ps2 versions, while it's true they don't have a 3D hub, they're instead replaced by a flat menu where all the characters that are normally on the 3D hubs are just items you can select. This only happens really once in the HD versions, at the beginning of the game, for story reasons.

sonic unleashed ps2 wii vs ps3 xbox 360 sonic unleashed ps2 wii vs ps3 xbox 360

Like I remember a number of reviewers bashing the hubs for "pointless fetch quests needed to unlock new levels" specifically talking about how you had to run around talking to people constantly. I remember when reviewers would try and claim the PS2/Wii version was better, and attribute faults only present in the Wii/PS2 version to the Xbox 360/PS3 version. It's a game where you can see the talent they poured into it, but it was put into the wrong areas, and I'll always be bitter about that because ever since then, Sonic Team's just been too complacent to make anything equally as ambitious in game play. A game like Sonic 06 was something I felt could've been close to a pretty decent game if it had another year in the oven to make sense of its shoddy mechanics and slapshot level design, at least to a point where it could've gotten to Sonic Adventure 2 levels, but Sonic Unleashed can't really be excused by anything other than hackneyed game direction. It could've been amazing, but this is the rare instance of a Sonic Team game where it didn't suffer because of a lack of polish. It also doesn't help that in retrospect, again, I think Unleashed's narrative is rather lacking despite being a globe-trotting adventure, but also the fact that by the time the Sonic formula did try to iterate on those Daytime stages with Generations, I'd already had my fill on this formula, so returning to Unleashed which is even rougher, yet more visually appealing, has sort of worn out its luster for me.

#Sonic unleashed ps2 wii vs ps3 xbox 360 full

It's kind of shocking how padded Unleashed is, and it's the main reason it's one of the few Sonic games I never replayed as a full experience outside of revisiting the Daytime stages. Say what you will about the alternate playstyles in the Adventure games but at least those could be expected to not run long enough for you to be worn out by the end of the experience.

sonic unleashed ps2 wii vs ps3 xbox 360

Frankly I didn't "hate" the Werehog as a gameplay aspect - at least at first - the first two stages I played with him were okay enough, but he really started to grate on the entire experience halfway through due to how floaty and unwieldy he was, compounded by how long they stretched out those levels, and that was before I realized that the game essentially spends 70% of its total game time in those stages because of how the game locks progression behind Sun and Moon Medals. On the other hand, Sonic Unleashed is by far the worst paced Sonic game in the entire series. It still has some of the most visually boastful stages a Sonic game has ever had, the scope of the game was pretty large, and for its time those Daytime Stages were pretty remarkable (even if unlike Generations, Unleashed was chock full with instadeath traps that were kind of bullshit for any first time playthrough). If there's one thing I'll say about Unleashed is that despite for how lacking Sonic Team had gotten at that point when it came to narrative, Unleashed still felt like the last game the team ever put out that felt like it had any ambition to it.

Sonic unleashed ps2 wii vs ps3 xbox 360